35 Dog Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following
Smiling dogs. Dogs in bow ties. Beautiful dogs and those only a mother could love. Dogs you want to boop on the nose and others you just wish you could throw your arms around and hug. You’ll find them all — and more — on Instagram. From the most famous Instagram dogs to up-and-comers, here are 35 of the best dog Instagram accounts out there.
If you know of another one that should be on the list, drop it in the comments!
Loki the Wolfdog
This husky/arctic wolf/malamute mix is one of the most famous dogs on Instagram. He’s traveled across most of the United States and Canada with his outdoorsman dad. Together they hope to serve as a reminder that some of the best memories you can make are with your furry best friend, no matter where in the world you go.
Crusoe the Dachshund
This celebrity mini-dachshund does it all, from his too-cute-for-words Instagram account to an award-winning blog to several best-selling books. If a-dog-able pics and funny videos are your thing, this is one dogstagram you won’t want to miss.
Bear + Momo
Follow along with the unbelievably photogenic Bear and Momo as they share their home with various fosters. Photos of Loki, a cute corgi that passed over the rainbow bridge several years ago, still pop up from time to time as well.
This gorgeous husky has more style than most people. Her entire feed is a lesson in taste — tasteful decor, tasteful fashion. We wouldn’t be surprised to find her gracing the pages of a home and garden magazine one day.
Vince Cincy
This French bulldog is living his best life in Cincinnati. From the most fashionable glad rags to the best accessories, he’s got it all and he loves showing if off on his Insta page. Now, if he could just learn to smile!
Coco and Chili the Mini Doxies
These two mini longhair dachshunds love dressing up in their best finery. And they especially enjoy dressing up for the holidays. You get to tag along for the ride!
Jorge the Bulldog
An ambassador for the Brazilian pet brand Super Secao, Jorge is one spoiled bulldog. But whether he’s posing in a hoodie or posing with pee pads, Jorge always looks his best.
Nika & Kira
We can’t wait for each new photo to hit the Insta feed of these two gorgeous huskies. They’ve got so much personality, lots of style — and, of course, those stunning blue eyes.
Stella The Frenchie
With those big, puppy dog eyes, you’ll fall in love with this sweet French bulldog. Based in Chicago, Stella spends her time as a dog model and philanthropist. And we can’t wait to watch her grow up.
You’ll want to take your pet camping after checking out these photos of dogs and cats having a blast living the camping and RVing lifestyle.
This NYC-based Chihuahua certainly lives up to her name with a sparkly personality that practically jumps off the page. And, she’s always pretty in pink, from her rhinestone studded glasses to her feathery boa.
Norman the Pomsky
Norman is an adorable half Husky, half Pomeranian mix with a smile that lights up the room. We look forward to seeing his happy-go-lucky, furry face on our Insta feed each day.
Lil’ Pickles
Lil’ Pickles is an epileptic pug with a neck as gigantic as his oversized personality. We love his collection of bow ties and his ridiculously wide grin.
Pavlov and Maslow
A Corgi and a Keeshond walk into a bar. Ok, maybe not a bar, but Pavlov the Corgi and Maslow the Keeshond are best friends and like getting out and about together. And while we love each solo pic, we’re happiest when they’re posing together.
Oliver & Sullivan
Two goldendoodle brothers, separated by five years yet practically twins. These fuzzy wuzzies are official reps for the Stella & Chewy’s brand, so you’ll often find neatly-placed product placements in their adorable photos.
This two-legged Chihuahua has never let his lack of front legs slow him down. Whether making his way around town on a set of 3D printed wheels or hanging around home sans wheels, this little guy is always having fun. He’s a true inspiration.
Azrah & Mako
These two gorgeous Siberian Huskies are perfect models, always looking good no matter what they’re wearing. While we don’t want to play favorites, we have to admit to loving Mako’s unusual eyes; one’s brown, the other blue.
Harold & Harley the Corgis
Though 11 months apart, these Corgi siblings share the same sweet smile and you’ll want to boop them both on the nose every time you see their cute faces on your Insta feed.
Sadie the Basset
There are few dogs with more soulful eyes than the Basset Hound, and Sadie is no exception. But what we really love is her oversized personality, which practically jumps off the page. We think you’ll love her too.
What’s cuter than a mini pinscher? It’s no wonder Thor works part time as a doggie model, he’s absolutely adorable! We love it best when his parents put him in a silly hot. The look on his face is just priceless.
Poppy the Lhasa Apso
This self-confessed “super sassy” Lhasa Apso makes her stomping grounds in Great Britain. She loves snacks (crisps are a particular favorite), running free and making people smile.
This is one ghost you don’t need to be afraid of bumping into. We get a real kick out of this gorgeous’ Samoyed’s funny videos and his adorable mini wolf howl.
Maya the Mini Dachshund
Maya is the cutest long-haired mini-Dachshund, though we think she looks more like a mini, mini Golden Retriever. We love her smile and that from time to time she unselfishly shares her Insta feed with other adorable doggies.
Another longhair Dachshund, Parker is a hyper little fellow but he’s also sweet as can be, has a wonderful smile, and plenty of style to boot.
When a photographer has a beautiful Golden Retriever you know the photos are gonna be special. You won’t find any plain vanilla dog pics on this Insta. And we wouldn’t have it any other way, because you never know what to expect!
Ember & Jack
They may be brothers from another mother (and father) but these two besties are inseparable.
Jiff Pom
The cute life of Jiff the tiny Pomeranian. With his tongue sticking out more often than not, this little cutie is so adorable he has his own line of stuffed animals and lookalike toys.
Doug the Pug
Doug is perhaps the most famous Instagram dog around, with more than 4 million followers, and a range of products that include stuffed animals, calendars, t-shirts and more. Follow him for his funny outfits and even funnier faces.
Humans aren’t the only ones with fitness goals. Just ask these 11 pelopets, each living its own best pelolife!
One of our favorite things about Shiba Inus is that they always seem to be smiling. And this Shiba, living in Japan, has every reason to be happy. Named the “Best Dog in the World” by TIME in 2015, Maru has more than 2.5 million Instagram followers and a sweet disposition you can’t help but fall in love with.
Every thing about this pup is funny right down to the name of his breed: Chiweenie (a cross between a Chihuahua and a Dachshund). We think he looks a bit like a mole rat at times (but in a good way). He’s so popular he’s got two more Instagram accounts you can follow!
Aspen the Mountain Pup
This gorgeous Golden Retriever loves long hikes, canoe rides, and snuggling with his humans. And he never, ever takes a bad pic!
Another one of those is-he-real-or-a-doll pups, red-headed Agador, has more style than most people, which isn’t surprising considering this Maltipoo makes New York City his stomping grounds. He most definitely wouldn’t look out of place at the latest art gallery opening.
There’s just something about a Dalmatian that tugs on our heartstrings every time (maybe it’s the whole Cruella de Vil thing?) Put a Dalmatian in a bow tie and our heart is his forever.
You’ll want to follow this pretty pure white Japanese Spitz as much for her great assortment of bandanas and bows, as for her always-fun captions.
Manny the Frenchie
We’re not sure he’s really the “World’s Most Followed Bulldog” but he does have more than a million followers making him one of the more famous Instagram dogs. He’s even got his own 2020 wall calendar!
Oh. My. God. This tiny 7-inch puff ball is the cutest thing ever. With his tongue always hanging out and his little poufy face, he’d be perfect just as is. But wait there’s more: he’s also a therapy dog, who proudly volunteers at the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital and he’s the “author” of Norbert’s Little Lessons for a Big Life.
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I agree. A great way to end the week. Made me smile.