Petsgiving Photos to Make You Laugh
Thanksgiving is the time of year for families to get together and be grateful for all that is good in the world.
In keeping with the mood of the holiday, we’re grateful for pet parents who insist their cats and dogs dress up for the occassion.
Grab a turkey leg and check out this pawsome Insta roundup of cats and dogs celebrating Thanksgiving.
Have Thee a Happy Thanksgiving
This pilgrim is not amused by your table manners.
What a Ham!
This turkey is quite a ham for the camera.
Someone’s Gonna Pay for This
We don’t envy whoever had to stick their hands near this kitty’s head to take off the turkey hat!
Can’t get enough of dogs in costumes? Enjoy this roundup of the best Halloween costumes for dogs.
Getting Ready for Thanksgiving? Easy as Pie
This piece of pie is way too cute to take a bite out of!
Thanksgiving Day Parade
Gotta Wear Shades
This cavapoo has got serious holiday style.
So Close, Yet So Very Far Away
We know just how this kitty feels. That turkey looks delicious.
All Napkined Up and Ready to Feast
This gorgeous Newfie is ready for the meal to be served.
Thinking Outside of the Box
This ginger baby looks forward to Thanksgiving every year when she gets to swap out the same-old boring box for a sweet-as roasting pan!
Craving cute pictures of cats in boxes?
Thankful for Family
Whether you’re family by blood or by choice, there’s no better way to celebrate the holiday than with those you love the most.
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lol, these are hilarious:) It’s so weird, until getting my pup 8 months ago I always thought of myself as not a pet person, but now taking pictures of him is a new hobby I never new I had in me:)
Omg my life is now complete
What cute pictures! These animals are pretty patient, though:)
Lol! So adorable! The pup with the shades though! Thanks for this!
I love the Newfie!!!