13 Pictures of Cats in Boxes … Because Why Not!
Who doesn’t love a cat in a box? But these kitties take their box entertainment to another level.
Here are 13 of the best pictures of cats in boxes… because you don’t have anything better to do, right?!
(Keeping It Pawsome is a member of the Amazon, Basepaws and Etsy affiliate networks and does get a tiny percentage of the cost if you buy something.)
The Classic ‘Cat in a Box’
We can’t tell if this big-eyed Persian is shocked to find himself in the box or pissed off that someone found him!
Double the Trouble
Empty boxes are so much cozier when you can share them with your look-alike.
The More the Merrier
This little kitty jumped in a box. And this little kitty jumped in a box, and this little kitty, and this little kitty, and this little kitty. But not little kitty number six.
Hands Off!
Go find your own box. Or face my wrath.
Want more adorable cat photos? Check out cute cats in Halloween costumes.
This Box Is Too Small
Um, does this box make my everything look big?
This Box Is Too Thin
Impressive, for sure. But can he get out?
Who’s Laughing Now?
Next time, maybe you won’t be so quick to take my box.
Check out these pelopets living their best life!
Bow Tie and Box
We’re pretty sure this cutey was inspired by Drake’s “Hotline Bling” video.
Pizza Anyone?
Good thing Papa John’s has that pizza insurance because this is not what we ordered.

Boxed Set
Anyone want to join in for a quick game of musical boxes?
Magic Box
We’re not sure that’s how the trick is supposed to work?
Ready for Trick or Treating
We think this kitty just found his Halloween costume — Vizzy, the Vitamin C(at) drink!
Find out more about the benefits of playing with your cats.
What Box?
No, seriously. What box?